I feel fine
just a tad obsessed is all
I will leave you with this; how did I not post this before?
- I googled elven bread (which by the way is called lembas bread) without shame and found a splendid website for all lotr foods. now I just have to translate the megerments
- I'm thinking seriously about naming my future child (if ever).......Aragorn
- I hope I can read the books to complete my obsession
- If Elrond was real I would ask him one simple question; dude, who does your hair?
- does legolas do his own braids? if so, think he could teach me?
- I think that apart from the obvious (Aragorn, duh!) Sam is the hero cos Frodo would have failed without him
- I know enough sindarin to say Le Hannon and hope to learn more, cos how cool is it not to be able to say " yep, I do know elvish"
- as many flaws they have, I do really and honestly love the trilogy
- (and) my head is filled with lotr quotes <3
I will leave you with this; how did I not post this before?
there will be more....!
Postat av: Nils
Hej !! Haha vilket coolt inlägg, sånt gillar vi. Skrattade åt typ allt du skrev om. Det kanske inte var mening att man skulle skratta (i så fall förlåt). Jag håller verkligen med dig om att Sam också är en stor hjälte. Plus jag måste har en länk till den där hemsidan.